Hey Guys,
Today I'm going to start a new thing on my blog called daily news where I talk about things in either the gaming news or any news in general. I will be doing this on Mondays,Wednesdays,and Fridays. So without further or do let's get started.
Hope for the Wii U: The Wii U had a horrible launch with little launch games to choose from. There was a new Mario game, but it wasn't necessarily considered a next-gen game. Besides Mario there is also Pikmin 3 which I heard was pretty good, but I'm not a huge Pikmin person. And there were two games that had mixed reviews, The Wonderful 101 and Sonic Lost World. And unfortunately, these two games are the best games to play on the Wii U. Bottom line is if Nintendo doesn't want to get eat up by Sony and Microsoft, they need to stick to their roots and make great games, and so far it looks like they are doing just that. You got Super Mario 3D World,which looks like a next gen Mario game. Then you have Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze which is not really a huge seller, but It's well known and Rare makes good Donkey Kong games. In 2014, you got Bayonetta 2 which I am very excited for. And then you have two big sellers Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros coming in the spring and summer. So if Nintendo keeps this up, the Wii U could have 15 million units sold by the end of 2014.
COD Ghost has Aliens?: Well Call of Duty:Ghost has to be one of the most anticipated games of 2013. However to me, I feel like the people over at Infinity Ward are trying to make all these statements just to build even more hype for this game. For example, first they say people who play COD and COD only are not real gamers (which I kinda agree with), then they say Ghost will sell more then GTA V (which I don't agree with). One thing I will say that they are changing is the Zombie mode, where instead they will be using Aliens. Look I never played the Zombie mode on any other COD game beside WAW, so honestly I really don't care that much on this. But, when I get Ghost, I'll be sure to play it.
GTA V Online gets more content: Rockstar has just announced the first patch for GTA V Online. This patch will include new weapons and vehicles that you will be able to play online and in the story mode. It will also come with new tattoo's and hairstyles that you can use to customize your character. It will also include death matches and races in areas on the Los Santos Coastline. GTA V was the best game to come out this year. Rockstar has really outdone themselves with this one. i will be doing alot of livestreams from both the story mode and online.
Here is the IGN video covering it
Well thanks for reading, and come back Wednesday for more news here at 12thManEntertainment